Murder Road by Simone St James BOOK Review/Tour

Picture it: a long dark highway…a long dark highway that’s deserted. Deserted until you see a light in the woods and a lone figure barely walking on the side of the road. Would you slow down and offer help?

A couple on their honeymoon, picks up a woman, a woman who ends up dying. The road they picked her up from isn’t the first to claim a victim either. Many murders have happened and the police don’t have a suspect. All identified except for the first..why was she different?

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. If you’ve read Simone before, you know she’s a master of creepy, ghost infused stories. And Murder Road was no different. In fact, she excelled at this storytelling and I’m here for it! As always, Simone was brilliant at her job, she drew me into the story and held me captive until the end. The characters were detailed and their own stories were perfectly spliced into the main storyline.

I really loved this story. It was full of suspense and mystery and kept me engaged. A definite must read! Four stars!